What is the FH JOANNEUM password policy?

If your new password meets the following criteria, you will be able to use it:

  • The password is at least 14 characters in length.


  • Do not use a password that is the same or similar to a password used on other websites.
  • Do not use common character strings like asdf, jklö, abcd, etc.
  • Do not use names, not even followed by character strings (e.g. MaxMustermann123)
  • Do not use real words, not even followed by character strings (e.g. sunrise123), not even in another language.
  • The longer and more complex a password is, the more secure it is. So that you do not have to memorize a complex character string, just use a complete sentence as a password. Examples: „what did he think?“ or „Yesterday it was hot.“


In order to answer your inquiries as quickly as possible, the helpdesk is at your disposal.
If you have any questions, please contact helpdesk@fh-joanneum.at.

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