What can I do if I have forgotten my password?

By enrolling for the multi factor authentication you also can reset a forgotten or malfunctioning password.


Step 1: Start the Microsoft 365 Password Reset Service
  • Open the link https://fhj.to/pwms
  • Enter your FH E-Mail address (firstname.lastname@fh-joanneum.at or firstname.lastname@edu.fh-joanneum.at) and solve the „CAPTCHA”

Step 2: Confirm your identity
  • You may be prompted to confirm your identity. Choose an option from the left side (e.g. verification by using the Microsoft Authenticator app, enter a text you received via SMS, etc).

Step 3: Enter a new password


In order to answer your inquiries as quickly as possible, the helpdesk is at your disposal.
If you have any questions, please contact helpdesk@fh-joanneum.at.

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