How do I start a breakout room?

  1. Prerequisite: The “Group Rooms” (“Gruppenräume”) window on the right-hand side is open.
  2. Check whether all participants are added to groups – see information box “All participants are assigned” (“Alle Teilnehmer sind zugewiesen”).

  3. Check whether the assignment to the groups fits. To do this, unfold the rooms to see the participants.

  4. To change an assignment, see Adding participants to other rooms subsequently“.
  5. Click on “start rooms” („Räume starten“).

  6. All breakout rooms are started automatically, this may take some minutes. As soon as the breakout rooms are started, you will see a green “Open” (“Geöffnet”) box next to the rooms.

  7. Participants are automatically moved to the breakout rooms.


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